Chamber Champions
If you’re looking to increase your visibility in the business community, the Chamber Champions Sponsorship program is your premier opportunity.
Our Chamber Champion members enjoy many sponsorship benefits throughout the year, an investment that earns dividends that go far beyond your membership investment.
This is the only annual sponsorship available.
So much more than a business sponsorship, Chamber Champions offers a comprehensive “blanket sponsorship” that places you and your business in the forefront of the region’s key events with invitations to VIP events, complimentary tickets to a variety of chamber functions , reserved tickets and seating at some of our signature events and special recognition in chamber publications, programs, our website and other highly visible venues.
Sponsorship Benefits include:
- Increased visibility and branding throughout the year at all Chamber events.
- Advanced reservations at a variety of key events including State of the Region, Chamber Ball, Business Golf Classic and Taste of the Season.
- Full page announcement of annual sponsors in Lowcountry Business Connection.
- Dedicated page on our Chamber website.
- Annual recognition in the Chamber Ball program and State of the Region program.
- Recognition on our exclusive Chamber Champion Plaque in the Chamber lobby as well as a traveling sign which is taken to all events.
- Invitation to several exclusive VIP events throughout the year, including the annual exclusive Chamber Champions Reception.
- A complimentary Ad in “Chamber Business Monthly” and advertising opportunities at a reduced rate.
- Exclusive Chamber Champion name badge to wear to Chamber events.
The Chamber Champion Sponsorship Program is an annual program which runs in tandem with the chamber’s fiscal year, July 1 through June 30th. It is a tax deductible business expense which helps fund various chamber programs and initiatives throughout the year.